Two or More (Twenty-third Ordinary)

If your sister or brother should commit some wrong against you, go and point out the error, but keep it between the two of you. If she or he listens to you, you have won a loved one back; if not, try again, but take one or two others with you, so that every case may stand on the word of two or three witnesses.
(Matthew 18: 15 – 16)

Jesus tells us that there is strength in numbers. Instead of stewing over the wrong someone did to you, you should meet with the person and discuss the problem. This advice applies to situations at work, at home, at school, or among your neighbours. One is not only a lonely number but a dangerous number because the more you replay perceived wrongs in your head, the easier it is to lose perspective and make matters worse by blowing up at someone.

Many managers (including a few parish pastors) seem to have the “if I just ignore it, it will go away” approach to problems. But how many of us have ever seen that approach actually work? Problems are meant to be solved and relationships reconciled. If two people can’t do that, the next step is not to retreat but to try to advance with the aid of others (co-workers, family members, friends). If that fails, then it’s time to call in the wider community for help: the human resources department, the entire family, the parish council. These are difficult steps, but they are meant to make rare a step that is all too common: complete disassociation from the offending party. Two or more working together toward reconciliation discourages obstinate, isolating behaviour that leaves no room for anyone, not even God. Join the crowd today.

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