About Us

About Us

At GPBS we are committed to walking the faith journey in partnership with Catholic schools in developing contemporary and relevant online resources for prayer, liturgy and ongoing formation. The GPBS Mission & Ministry Team facilitates a number of workshops that give students and staff a hands-on approach to liturgy, prayer, liturgical music, leadership formation and staff professional development. For over 15 years GPBS is proud to have been part of the story in working with parishes and schools as we reach out for new and exciting ways to walk as Christian disciples in this ever-changing and challenging world. The GPBS Mission & Ministry Team looks forward to working for your school community.

Meet Paul Skippen

Founder & Creative Director (GPBS)

Paul is the founder and editor of the GPBS (Gather Proclaim Break Send) online resources website and has had many years in ministry in Catholic schools and parishes throughout Australia. Paul is a gifted presenter of staff inservice days, parish renewal events and retreats for all ages.

Paul’s work centres in youth and family ministry, liturgy and faith formation and leadership training. Paul is passionate about guiding people (especially the young) to the core of Gospel living and thrives on finding new ways to lead people to find where faith and life intersect in their lives. Paul has a passion for engaging liturgy, good music, genuine hospitality and dialogue with people open to partnerships in parish and school ministry.

Paul is an avid traveller and has experienced many of the world’s Catholic spiritual heartlands. He has led a number of guided tours to Rome and various countries in Europe. Paul leads an annual tour to the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress in the United States for Catholic educators each February. With a real passion for his Irish heritage, Paul led a pilgrimage to Ireland in 2018. This was Paul’s 15th journey to Ireland.

Paul was taken deeply with the many stories, legends and the wonderful movie ‘The Way’ based on the Camino Pilgrimage in Spain. Paul’s first walk of the Camino was with his Dad. Paul recalls: ‘It wasn’t a trip – it was a deep spiritual experience. So much so, we did it again!’ The 2017 Pilgrimage was Paul’s fourth walk of the Camino.