Answering the Call (Fifth Ordinary)

Jesus said to Simon Peter, “There is nothing to fear. From now on you’ll be fishing for men and women”. They pulled their boats up on the beach, left them, nets and all, and followed him. (Luke 5: 10 – 11)

There are times we complain that mobile phone are controlling our lives and how we would just like to get rid of them. Yet if they control us, it’s because we let them. We decide who we are going to call. And we can turn them off if we desire to do so. On the positive side, they keep parents connected with children, make us feel a little safer driving alone late at night, let us check on a shut-in, and so much more that we now take for granted.

In today’s gospel, Peter is busy doing his fisherman’s work. Jesus calls him, totally unexpectedly, by hopping on his boat. Peter does what Jesus asks, only to be asked to do more, to lower his nets for a catch. Jesus is telling Peter how to do his job. Lots of fish were caught. Peter is confused by it all. He didn’t search Jesus out. Jesus found him. Peter can’t ignore the call or put Jesus on hold. He’s hooked.

In the midst of the confusion in life that surrounds us and the noise that envelopes us we need to listen. Jesus is calling us. And it brings us, like Peter, to follow him.

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